Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sorry, Corporate Media: The More Americans Hear Bernie Sanders, The More They Like Him

Published on Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Up to now," writes Morgan, "national media have obviously misjudged Bernie Sanders’ appeal." (Photo: Screenshot/NBC News)
Dear Corporate Media:

In bringing us the 2016 election spectacle, you demonstrate once again that the national mass media in the United States function, consciously or not, as the guardians of “managed democracy.”  That is, as the distinguished political scientist Sheldon Wolin observed, democracy that does not threaten the interests of, well, you, the corporate elite.

For much of the campaign your entertainment medium called TV news has been fervently attending to the demagogic campaign of Donald Trump.  Competing for audience attention, your cameras gravitate to the latest outrageous comment of Trump (or Ted Cruz, or Ben Carson for that matter).  After all, the Donald was already a media-anointed celebrity on reality TV.

As huge corporations, it is obviously in your immediate economic interest to give the demagogues a lot of air time—they do grab our attention, whether positively or negatively.  And sure enough, as media watchers like Andrew Tyndall and Eric Boehlert have documented, Trump coverage on network news has radically overwhelmed coverage of other candidates, most notably Bernie Sanders:

The three major news networks gave Donald Trump 284 minutes of coverage from January 1, 2015 through November, as compared to 10 minutes for Bernie Sanders. The disparity on ABC World News Tonight was even more staggering: 81 minutes for Trump, less than 20 seconds for Sanders!

The content of coverage of Bernie Sanders’ campaign has also been telling.  Initially, of course, Senator Sanders was viewed as a nobody candidate on the very margins of American politics—until you media started to notice that huge crowds were turning out to hear his message.  From that point on, the establishment has played up Sanders’ non-electability and/or lack of “realism.”

Now, with Sanders and Clinton finishing in a virtual tie in Iowa, and Sanders the landslide winner in New Hampshire, you seem to have panicked—nowhere more clearly than on the liberal paper of record, the New York Times.

Times columnists from David Brooks on the right to Nicholas Kristof and Paul Krugman on the liberal left have gone after Sanders ever since his polling caught up with Hillary Clinton’s.  Brooks’ penned a plaintiff column, “Stay Sane America, Please!” equating Sanders with Trump and Cruz as extremist candidates who are “not acceptable to all parts” of their parties.  Hmmm, I wonder whom he’s talking about.

On January 22, the liberal Krugman lectured the passionate Sanders partisans on “How Change Happens,” warning them against preferring “happy dreams to hard thinking.”  Kristof chimed in recently with the warning that Sanders’ bolder proposals simply “won’t happen” and that voters won’t vote for a “socialist.”

The editorial board itself issued an unusual pre-primary endorsement of Hillary Clinton as “one of the most broadly and deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history”—a one-term Senator and Secretary of State with a record of devastating foreign policy decisions? The paper did acknowledge that Sanders’ “boldest proposals … earned him support among alienated middle-class voters and young people,” but asserted that he did “not have the breadth of experience or policy ideas that Mrs. Clinton offers.”

Others have chimed in as well.  The Boston Globe, once owned by the Times, also endorsed Clinton.  The editorially conservative Washington Post attacked Sanders’ allegedly “fiction-filled campaign,” and Post columnist Dana Milbank chimed in that the Democrats would be “insane to nominate” Sanders.  A David Horsey column in the Los Angeles Times suggested Clinton and Sanders posed an “imperfect choice” for Democrats, the latter because Americans were not attracted to “old guys with stooped shoulders and white hair.”

Corporate media bias is also readily apparent in post-New Hampshire headlines and editorials.  The Boston Globe’s lead headlines read “Trump Crushes His Rivals in N. H.” and “Bernie Sanders Defeats Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire.”  Note to Globe: 60% is conventionally known as a “landslide.”  Meanwhile from its lofty heights, the Times assured Clinton that she “had no reason to panic,” since, as the paper reported, she was clearly the “more experienced” candidate with strong support from the Democratic coalition.

Up to now, you national media have obviously misjudged Bernie Sanders’ appeal, narrowing it to “telling progressives what they want to hear,” or more recently tapping into the “alienation” of youth and the middle-class.  But Sanders’ critique of the control exercised by corporate and wealthy elites over our political system taps into consciousness that has been building since the Occupy movement first emerged in 2011.

Clearly, the more Americans hear Bernie Sanders, the more they like what they are hearing: personal integrity, commitment to an egalitarian democracy, and some profound truth-telling about the nature of American politics.  The campaign has galvanized a hopeful fervor around these issues and has introduced into our political discourse issues that have lurked on the margins for a long time—the very ones you media criticize as “unrealistic.”

All the talk about “experience” and “realism” reflects age-old American elitism, echoing back through our history.  In the tumultuous 1930s, Harold Lasswell argued against “democratic dogmatisms”—like the belief that people are “the best judges of their own interests.”  A decade earlier, journalist Walter Lippmann’s asserted that only the “responsible men” of the “political classes” could discern the nation’s “common interests.”  The rest of us are just the passionate, misguided “bewildered herd.”  The Framers of the Constitution, themselves, feared democracy –the “faction” of the property-less masses, or as Alexander Hamilton put it, “the people, sir, are a great beast.”

The distinguished sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein has argued the world historic capitalist system that has, one way or another, shaped so much of world history for the last several hundred years has entered a period of transition to something different.  That “something different” can be more democratic than what we have or it can be less democratic.

It doesn’t take genius to catch the whiff of fascism in some of the passions aroused by the demagogues on the right.  But the enlightened answer would seem to be the candidate, Sanders, who offers something more democratic, rather than the “politics as usual” candidates who offer at best minor tinkering here and there in ways that bend to the interests of the corporate elite.
Ted (Edward P.) Morgan ( is Professor of Political Science at Lehigh University and author of the recent What Really Happened to the 1960s: How Mass Media Culture Failed American Democracy (University Press of Kansas).

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Op-Ed on Bethlehem CIty Development

Ted Morgan: Limit retail opportunities in Martin Tower rezoning plan

Opinion: Why Martin Tower rezoning should limit retail opportunities

Bill White's recent column on the Bethlehem rezoning of the Martin Tower site ended with Yogi Berra's quip, "If you don't know where you are going, you might end up someplace else."
That seems appropriate, given City Council's decision to vote for stealth rezoning: Rezone now and trust us; we'll restrict retail use on the huge Martin Tower property later on. That may prove to be impossible.

It's no wonder downtown merchants worry about the impact the development will have on Bethlehem's two downtowns. What's more, folks in west Bethlehem have no way of assuring that the new development won't create an impossible traffic snarl on the Eighth Avenue corridor because traffic impact is not even under consideration.

Which is why another Yogi-ism comes to mind: "It's déjà vu all over again."

For starters, it's highly doubtful that this is the first time deep-pocketed developers have been able to benefit from their political contributions to city officials. Perhaps it's time for Bethlehem to follow Allentown's lead and adopt an anti-pay-to-play resolution.

But to this former organizer from the west Bethlehem group, NoMall (Neighborhood Organizations to Assure Local Livability), there is much about the current rezoning that harks back to issues we raised in the early 2000s. Much of what NoMall predicted would happen after the Lowe's rezoning vote has, in fact, come true.

Traffic has become significantly more congested on the Eighth Avenue corridor, despite many traffic-controlling changes — including four additional traffic lights. Traffic concerns have led to the installation of huge electronic "Slow Down" signs around Nitschmann Middle School.

The Lowe's/Price Right development has also triggered the spreading commercial development of Eighth Avenue, and it has had a tangible effect on West Broad Street. Businesses that were within walking distance of neighborhood residents moved up Eighth Avenue so they now require car travel to get there. Many other businesses on West Broad have been vacant for a significant amount of time; yet West Broad hasn't been included in Bethlehem's City Revitalization and Improvement Zone.

I recognize that the Lowe's/Price Right development, which is across Eighth Avenue from Martin Tower, is here to stay, and some west Bethlehem residents are happy to have the Lowe's big-box store in proximity. That's a done deal; the Martin Tower rezoning shouldn't be.

For City Council to vote through the rezoning would be a huge mistake. First, without substantial restrictions on the amount of retail allowed in the mixed-use zone, a developer could then present a land development plan that maxed out the retail portion; at that point, it would be impossible for council to reduce the retail portion of that plan.

Nor would our elected representatives have any further say on that plan. Instead, the city Planning Commission would be charged with making sure the developer's plans met the technical and engineering requirements under the zoning ordinance and relevant subdivision and land use ordinance.

That's why now is the time to constrain the potential impact of maxed-out retail development of the Martin Tower site on Bethlehem's two downtowns and on West Broad Street. And, given the fact that traffic-controlling measures have already been created for Eighth Avenue and that traffic is especially congested during rush hours, members of City Council should also consider the potentially disastrous traffic impact of the current rezoning plan.

The rezoning plan should not go forward without sharply limiting the potential retail development.

Ted Morgan, a resident of west Bethlehem, is professor of political science at Lehigh University and was an organizer in the grass-roots group, NoMall.